
For over 35 years, Dallas Spinal Rehabilitation Center has specialized in removing barriers to function for injured workers from all over the United States and internationally.


The second track of the Interdisciplinary Pain Program is the Functional Restoration program which places a major emphasis on physical reconditioning; improvement and enhancement of physical functioning; and return to work activities along with approaching and addressing any psychological and psychosocial issues including learning to cope with pain, activities of daily living, depression, stress management, frustration, anxiety, and sleep changes - all of which has an affect on the person's ability to return to work.

The approach is multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary; the program is highly structured and individualized and under the guidance and direction of a team consisting of a physician (PM&R), physical therapist, occupational therapist, vocational counselor, case manager, psychologist, and behavioral counselor - and, most importantly, the patient. This interdisciplinary team directs the patient in a variety of activities replica watches uk including stretching, conditioning exercises, aerobic activity, work simulation, stress and anger management, reclaiming lost or impaired functional abilities, reducing dependence of medication, and others - all with the goal of a return to work.

The Functional Restoration program utilizes the replica watches latest in equipment to help bring about improvements in physical condition, strength, and endurance as well as a highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated staff of professionals to assist each patient in reaching their physical potential and realizing their primary goal of returning to work.


DSRC's Chronic Pain Program is a highly structured multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary program in design and execution. The program is for individuals who experience pain that adversely impacts and affects their daily lives - at home, work, and a variety of other settings.

Most have lived with pain for a number of years, and their condition and symptoms have become chronic in nature; usually the patient has been treated and medicated by a number of different physicians - and, in the end, have probably become dependent on medication and developed a number of other symptoms that have effectively disabled them and adversely affected their lives in most respects.

The goal of DSRC's Interdisciplinary Pain Program is to help restore function, to reduce the presence of persistent, chronic pain, to learn how to manage any residual pain, to lessen the dependence on medication (detoxification), and to teach the effective management of medication that must be used, and to restore an active and satisfying lifestyle - and, where applicable, return to work at their own job or a new job.

The Interdisciplinary Pain Program is interdisciplinary by design, and it is highly individualized to meet the needs of each patient. The program is preceded by a thorough evaluation and assessment by psychological/behavioral professionals, medical doctors, physical therapists and licensed fake watches case managers/counselors.

An Individual Treatment Plan is designed with input from all disciplines for each patient's program. Each patient is also involved in the design of his or her program. The Individual Plan will call for a variety of activities and services including Psychological and Counseling services that could include psychological therapy, biofeedback, medication management, and behavioral counseling. There are educational programs consisting of lifestyle, nutrition and other informational (didactic training) classes.

There will be some physical or functional activities provided by Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy as well as the General Exercise and Conditioning program - however, the emphasis of this program track is on lifestyle improvement, detoxification, medication management, and psychological/psychosocial improvement. Return to work may be a goal, but it is a secondary goal.

At the conclusion of the 4 - 6 week Interdisciplinary Pain Program the results are expected to include (depending on individual goals): (1) reduction of pain intensity; (2) detoxification; (3) proper use and management of medication; (4) improvement in interactions with other people as well as in sleep and general mood; (5) improvement and enhancement of physical functioning; and (6) a return to a normal daily routine and active lifestyle.


DSRC's Work Hardening program is also known as the Comprehensive Occupational Rehabilitation Program. It is multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary by design, and its overall goal is to return the injured worker to work - either at his own job or in a new job. The program is highly structured and individualized.

Work Hardening uses real or simulated work tasks as a part of the treatment regimen and also uses progressively graded conditioning exercises that are based on the patient's physical tolerances as measured by the initial evaluation prior to program entry - in the areas of stretching, aerobic fitness, instruction in proper body mechanics, work pacing, safety, and injury prevention.

The Work Hardening program also provides the patient with appropriate and needed behavioral and vocational services - to help insure that he or she is ready to return to work and contend with the emotional factors that often are present when a person has been injured, been away from work for awhile and either has to return to his own job and the environment surrounding it or to a new job where the environment is completely unfamiliar. The patient may also have some pain problems to address but they have not yet become unmanageable or chronic.

DSRC's Work Hardening program is short-term, guided by individual needs, work-related, and has as its goal the transition to and actual return to work.


DSRC'S Work Conditioning program (also known as General Occupational Rehabilitation Program) is an individualized, job specific program of physical activity that is designed to return the person to work or help keep them at work if presently on-the-job. It is a short term program with limited days of participation per week and limited hours per day.

Work Conditioning uses real or simulated work tasks and progressively graded exercises to help an individual stay at work (or maintain his/her current employment), return to work, or, in some circumstances, move to an upgraded job. The Work Conditioning program is designed to restore a patient's strength, endurance, movement, and flexibility so he/she can safely return to work.

The patient is also educated and trained in proper posture, safe body mechanics, self management of any lingering injury-related symptoms, prevention of injury, and home exercises.

The Work Conditioning program involves experts in physical therapy, occupational therapy, exercise and conditioning activity, and a case manager/vocational counselor.